Current Events
- Welcome to the North American Gamers Website!!
- Crafting the ulitimate gaming experience, one click at a time stay tuned.
- We are actively seeking new members for all the games we enjoy playing. If you're interested, don't hesitate to apply today and become part of our community on Discord.
North American Gamers code of conduct
- Integrity and Fair Play: Upholding the highest standards of integrity, cheating is strictly prohibited within the North American Gamers community. Those found engaging in cheating activities will face permanent exclusion from all North American Gamers-related platforms and services.
- Respect and Sportsmanship: As members, it is imperative that you reflect positively on our clan. While frustration is inevitable, we urge you to maintain composure and respect the rules of foreign servers. If a server has specific guidelines against offensive language, kindly adhere to them.
- Wear Your Tags with Pride: Displaying your North American Gamers tags is mandatory, both in -=NaG=- servers and other gaming environments. You may remove them only when participating in a game outside our supported titles. If you join another clan, ensure it does not support games that North American Gamers does.
- Utilize Discord: Effective communication is vital to our community. We expect all members to actively use Discord. If you are unwilling to embrace Discord or lack a microphone, North American Gamers may not be the right fit for you.
- Age Requirement: North American Gamers has a minimum age requirement of 18. While there are no explicit restrictions on language or mature subject matter, exercise discretion in determining your suitability within our community.
- Recruitment Etiquette: When recruiting, refrain from doing so on other clan’s servers. It is acceptable to engage in recruitment activities on public servers. Moreover, please avoid recruiting individuals within our own server who are already wearing our tags. Respect and courtesy are paramount.
- Responsible Conduct: Publicly disparaging any North American Gamers member or guest, whether on our forums or Discord, is strictly prohibited and may result in removal. If you encounter issues with a staff member or registered user, follow the appropriate channels for resolution.
- Individual Accountability: Each North American Gamers member and registered user is accountable for their actions and behavior.
- Civil Discourse: In the interest of maintaining a harmonious environment, we discourage discussions on contentious topics such as politics or religion. Should such discussions arise, promptly escalate the matter through the chain of command for swift resolution.
North American Gamers management reserves the discretion to apply appropriate measures, including expulsion, as deemed necessary in response to violations of these rules.
© 2025